
Water Softener Vs. Water Filter: What Is the Difference?

Whenever you come across new in your life, you will get a little confused about it. A lack of knowledge about the differences and similarities of certain things is quite natural.

This post has been written to clear up any confusion you may have about water softeners and purifiers. Getting a better understanding of the fundamental differences between a water softener filter and a water purifier is made easier with the addition of subheadings under each section.

What Is Hard Water?

When it comes to water, Indian households often have two options. Water from a municipality is more commonly found than water from a borehole. Cities and metropolitan areas rely on the first option more frequently than rural areas or unofficial colonies, when the latter is more popular.

What if we tell you that municipal water is “soft” and borewell water is “hard”? Would you believe me? Here are the details.

Drinking water is the primary use of the municipal water supply. It must go through several steps before it can be consumed, including removing all particle matter and minerals.

Without a borewell water supply, we get water directly from the groundwater table. There are numerous particles and minerals in the water, including calcium and magnesium.

The quality of your local groundwater might range from excellent to horrible, depending on your location. Despite contamination, groundwater has a high concentration of dissolved solids and minerals.

Hard or soft water depends on the number of minerals and dissolved substances in your water.

When it comes to common tasks like washing and bathing, hard water is deemed unfit for human consumption. The level of hardness of the water determines how destructive it is.

When calcium and magnesium ions come into touch with soap or detergent during bathing or cleaning clothes or floors, calcium and magnesium residues are formed. These residues appear as white, fading patches that are unsightly and serve no benefit in the cleaning process.

What Is the Process of Water Softening?

The difference between hard and soft water makes this much easier to understand.

Ion exchange is the most popular and effective method for transforming hard water into soft water.

Resin beads are used in an Ion-exchange hard water softener filter to remove the hardness from water (generally a common salt you use in your home). To remove minerals from the water, sodium ions in the resin beads attract and bind positively charged mineral ions, making the water mineral-free.

What Is the Purification Process for Water?

When compared to a water softener, a ro water purifier for home removes pollutants such as minerals and chlorine, but it can also remove additional contaminants like dust, sand, bacteria and viruses. Due to the fact that water purification is not a one-step procedure, it is a little more complicated than water softening.

Physical filtration is the first phase in the water purification process, followed by chemical filtration. Chemical filtration removes pollutants that are not visible to the naked eye, such as bacteria, viruses, pesticides, heavy metals and other chemical impurities, whereas physical filtration removes dirt, dust, sand and other physical contaminants.

Is It True That a Water Softener Purifies the Water?

No. Purifying water with a water softener is not possible. In reality, there is a significant difference between the two functions.

The two water-related equipment we have discussed above each have a specific job to do for water treatment. Unlike a water purifier, a water softener can only reduce water hardness; it cannot remove any contaminants, apparent or otherwise, from the water.

Due to this, a hard water softener cannot remove impurities from the water.

When Is a Water Softener Necessary?

A water softener eliminates calcium and magnesium from hard water to make it easier to drink. Water softener for home usage is necessary if you want to use the water for everyday tasks like bathing, cleaning and washing dishes and clothes.

The fittings in your bathroom and your household appliances, such as your washer, water heater, dishwasher, etc., should remain intact.

A water softener is needed to make water suitable for all but drinking purposes.

Final Words

There is a big difference between the water softener filter India and the water purifier. There were plenty of explanations to answer any questions you could have had regarding one or both of them. So now that you have a better idea of what you need, you can go out and buy the best one for you.

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