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Bathroom is a very special and important part of the house and performance of the life style bathing fixtures depend on duly filtered, soft and well pressurized water for excellent performance of the product for complete rejuvenation & relaxed experience.

Commercial/ malls

All commercial activity places are always under heavy use of water because of multiple offices & commercial spaces with higher occupancy rate , thus needed equal flow of water at all point of use located at different position and level. Filtered & soft water reduces the maintenance of large commercial space.


Hospitality sector is an other supper efficient customer centric institute. Best quality water with uniform flow of water at every point of use is the prime most objective of each such place to provide excellent services to their patrons.


Pool luxury is synonymous with wellness & well being. Pool water is always need to be treated at a very fast interval. An efficient team with skilled back up support plays the most important role in maintaining it upto the required level.

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